Breakout Golfer for 2016 | @PtPGolfer

Second Hour of #GolfChat to Move to 10am PST

After tweeting with several of you, we’ve decided to move #GolfChat to 10am PST instead of Noon PST.  Be on the lookout for #GolfChat to start tomorrow at 10am.

Our 2nd hour of #GolfChat will always be at 5pm PST.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.


#GolfChat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in #Golf this week? #GolfChat

#Q2 submitted by @brewcee: What is your favorite time of day to play? #GolfChat

#Q3 submitted by @tonyjdear: Would you rather play Augusta National at night with glow in the dark golf balls, or your home course in glorious sunshine? #GolfChat

#Q4 submitted by @TheGratefulGolf: Who will be the breakout golfer on the PGA and LPGA Tour in 2016? #GolfChat

#Q5 submitted by @DTT_Golf: Anyone have any big golf trips planned this year? #GolfChat

#Q6 submitted by @GetawaysGolf: What’s the longest putt you’ve ever made? #GolfChat

New Week is #GolfChat Theme Week and the Theme is . . .

Destination Golf

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Golf Chatter Bio: @PtPGolfer

Real Name: Mike Jones
Location: White Creek, NY USA

What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?

A good dark ale. Too many bad memories with whiskey and other liquors. Although tequila shots would be a go. Premium only please.

How Did You Get Into Golf?

Although I had dabbled with golf since I was a boy, my real journey began on a whim in 2003 at the young age of 43. After watching a tournament with my father, I borrowed his circa 1960’s Spaulding Fastbacks to play a round at a local blue collar course. I was instantly hooked and, a few years later, became obsessed with shooting par.

What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?

As a result of a lengthy journey along the self-taught path, I gained a working knowledge of the key fundamentals every golfer must understand, discovered a training and practice technique that accelerates progress, and managed to shoot a few rounds at par or better. Now I’m reviving my website,, to openly share what I have learned, and what I will continue to learn, with fellow golfers to enable swift and confident movement along the path to par for all.

Favorite #GolfChat Topics?

Anytime there is an opportunity to chat about golf it’s a great thing. Any topic is fun but I really perk up when I see chatting about golfing improvement. I’m a continuous improvement nerd.

Favorite Golf Quote?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
– Aristotle

Although this quote is not from a golfer, many have shared similar thoughts and it speaks to the principles required to play the game well.

Favorite Golf Destination and Why?

Any destination involving a twitter golfing meet up is great! My first was #GolfMisfitsNJ2014 with @McTwentyTwo @lilwolp @4eyesJohnny @ManofSteel2525 and @CitizenCage. The course wasn’t great but the peeps were!

How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?

I see the decline in the number of golfers analogous to a stock market correction. Over time, the game will grow as long as the industry adapts to the exponential increases in competition for the spare time of people.

Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?

My favorites are all who consistently interact throughout the fastest hour in golf (#fhig). They know who there are. They keep it alive.

Favorite Golfers and Why?

I really don’t have any clear favorites. Although I have deeper respect for those who interact with children during their round. What I love is the competition. Always hoping it will come down to the last putt on the 72nd hole.

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