Worst Golf Gifts | @TheGratefulGolf


Photo submitted by @JordanWenck

New #GolfChat Calendar:

1st #GolfChat of the Month = Surprise #GolfChat
2nd & 4th #GolfChat of the Month = Regular #GolfChat
3rd #GolfChat of the Month = Themed #GolfChat

#GolfChat Questions

#Q1: What was the most interesting thing to happen in golf this week? #GolfChat#Q2 submitted by @tonyjdear: Have you ever had a fluke round when everything somehow clicked? #GolfChat

#Q3 submitted by @CowanBrew: What is/are the worst golf gifts you have received? http://www.golfdigest.com/story/when-nongolfers-buy-golfers-bad-golf-gifts?mbid=social_twitter #GolfChat

#Q4 submitted by @1bearderdgolfer: How much weight, if any, do you give to the major publications re: new golf equipment reviews/recommendations. #GolfChat

#Q5 submitted by @SuzyfromFlorida: Who here has used a golf simulator?  Is that a good experience? #GolfChat

#Q6 submitted by @3JackAlmanac: What skill level/handicap warrants a golf ball preference? Does it matter to a high handicapper? #GolfChat



Golf Chatter Bio: @TheGratefulGolf  


Real Name: Jim Burton
Location: Trenton, Ontario, Canada

What Do You Order from the #GolfChat Bar?

Most of the time it is coffee. However, on the odd time it will be a glass of Merlot. 

How Did You Get Into Golf?

At 14 years of age, I was introduced to golf by my Dad. That was about 40 years ago. He taught me the rules of etiquette before the actual rules of golf.

Best golf lessons I ever received. I am forever grateful for his patience.

What Are You Doing in Golf and Why?

Freely sharing my thoughts, tips and stories about golf. I try to share the positive aspects of golf and hopefully brighten someone’s day from time to time.

I believe that everyday we should improve the 3 foot space around us and I chose to make a difference through being grateful for golf!

Favorite #GolfChat Topics?

Anything golf! I do not like negative ranting and generally choose to ignore the diatribes.

Favorite Golf Quote?

“Of all the hazards, fear is the worst.” Sam Snead

Favorite Golf Destination and Why?

Actually, I do not have a favorite location. I am more interested in who I golf with as oppose to where.

I have found that an average course becomes awesome if the playing in the right foursome.

How Do You View the State of the Game of Golf?

The golf industry ebbs and flows. At this time, golf appears to be on the down slide, but with the new crop of your professional superstars, this trend might be about change.

As long as #golfchat continues to grow, so does the golf industry!

Who Are Your Favorite #GolfChatters and Why?

It really changes from week to week. I have several side bars depending on the topic. Seems that no matter the questions on #golfchat, I find positive topics to share with the #golfchatters!

Favorite Golfers and Why?

Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson, and golfer on the tee box of a par three. Hate to miss the hole-in-one.

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